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TÜV Rheinland is a global leader in independent inspection services. TÜV Rheinland Group assigns the Q(uality) Mark to products that offer safety plus quality. Fundamental quality features of a product will be visible at first glance. 

Their motto is: "Safety first". Thus safety testing becomes a precondition for further tests. E.g. the requirements for the well proven and worldwide known Safety Marks of the TÜV Rheinland Group are drawn on as a benchmark for the fulfillment of safety standards. Following this, the quality criteria will be thoroughly analysed. Criteria such as usability, durability, low-noise and design, are all taken into account.

As a foundation for the basic-requirement catalogue, consumer 's wishes and longstanding experience in the field of product testing are considered. Thus, variable test programs emerge, which apply to the individual characteristics of a product.

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